BONDS//CHAINS is a Chainsaw Man fan anthology embracing the BONDS that connect (and CHAIN) the incredible cast of Chainsaw Man.


Interest check:Oct. 1 - Oct. 31
Contributor apps:Nov. 18 - Dec. 20
Contributor results:Jan. 3
Pitch assignment:Jan. 4 - 8
Creation period:Jan. - April
Check-in #1:Jan. 31
Check-in #2:Feb. 28
Check-in #3:March 28
Final submission:April 8
Preorders:July 1 - 31
Production:Summer/Fall 2022
Shipping:Jan. 2023
Leftovers:Spring 2023

NOTE: Schedule is subject to change


PEAR - communications, logistics, shipping
RAY - graphics design, art direction, production
RACHEL - writing, logistics, finance
JIHAE - art

APP LINKSApply as a Page Artist here.Apply as a Merch Artist here.Apply as a Writer here.



- All applicants will be judged by their submitted portfolios alone.
- Applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the application.
- Portfolios may contain both SFW and NSFW content (including gore and horror). Please tag your NSFW pieces accordingly and give CW for your samples if needed.
- The portfolio must be easily accessible (Ex. Google drive folder, Dropbox, etc.)
- If using a private platform (such as Google Drive) as your portfolio, please make sure that your link is set as "Anyone on the internet with this link can view". This can be checked easily by opening your link into an incognito window.
- Take a look at our Application Guidelines and Info Doc for more information and contributor expectations.
REMINDER: Our application will be open from November 18 through December 20.
Page Artists:
- 5-10 samples of completely rendered/finished illustrations that best represent the style you plan on using for the zine.
- At least 2 samples must have a fully-rendered background; abstract and highly stylized backgrounds are acceptable.
- Portfolios may be digital, traditional, or a mixture of both. If submitting traditional pieces, please make sure they’re scanned at high resolution.
- All samples must be completed, original artwork. We will not be considering drafts, WIPs, or redraws as a part of the portfolio.
- Artists are highly encouraged to provide portfolio examples with visual storytelling.
- A Chainsaw Man sample is not required but highly recommended.
- NSFW samples are allowed. All mods are over 18.
- We will evaluate style, composition, anatomy, use of colors and lighting, and background.
Apply as a Page Artist here.
Merch Artists:
- 5-10 samples of completed merch designs. This can be either a flat image or a product picture. If using a flat image, please specify which type of merch it is (sticker, charm, standee, etc.)
- All samples must be completed artwork. We will not be considering drafts or WIPs as a part of the portfolio.
- A Chainsaw Man sample is not required but highly recommended.
- We will evaluate style, composition, use of colors and lighting, background (if applicable).
Apply as a Merch Artist here.
- 3 samples of your written work that best represent your style and writing ability. Please have each sample in a separate document.
- Each sample must be 500 words minimum and 2,500 words maximum.
- At least one sample must be a completed piece. Excerpts from longer works are acceptable for the two other samples.
- Please provide a header available at the top of each sample with the document’s word count not inclusive of the header and any necessary content warning(s). Samples without content warnings will not be reviewed.
- At least one Chainsaw Man sample is required.
- We will evaluate writing portfolios based upon structure, style, and general writing mechanics
Apply as a Writer here.